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Increase efficiency and quality, decrease CAPEX, OPEX

The Veraz Media Gateway portfolio of products provides an optimal solution for Voice-over-IP applications. They offer superior voice quality while providing unmatched bandwidth optimization as well as extremely cost-effective TDM and IP interworking.

Service providers throughout the world utilizing the Veraz solutions have already gained improved quality and performance while saving substantially on expenses.

The Veraz Bandwidth Optimization and Media Layer portfolio includes:

— I-Gate 4000 family of media gateways: I-Gate 4000 PRO and I-Gate 4000 EDGE

— I-Gate 4000 Session Bandwidth Optimizer (SBO) for VoIP compression.

— DTX-600 DCME for TDM voice optimization.

I-Gate 4000 EDGE

I-Gate 4000 Media Gateways

Designed to meet carrier needs from end-to-end -- from full-fledged networking switching solutions to standalone high-compression solutions - the I-Gate 4000 series of media gateways covers the full range of service applications and deployment port densities, offer complete interoperability and support a common set of features and functionality.

I-Gate 4000 EDGE

I-Gate 4000 SBO (Session Bandwidth Optimizer)

The I-Gate 4000 SBO (Session Bandwidth Optimizer) enables operators to deploy next-generation VoIP infrastructure for revenue generation while significantly minimizing CapEx and OpEx. The I-Gate 4000 SBO can simultaneously optimize voice, fax, and modem sessions as well as generic IP-based sessions. The system improves transmission media efficiency and helps achieve maximum bandwidth utilization and guaranteed quality of service.



The DTX-600 is an industry-leading digital compression solution that reduces carrier's transport costs without sacrificing the quality of voice, fax and modem traffic. Veraz's DTX-600 protects carrier's investments in existing network infrastructure and delivers the competitive edge they need today and in the future.


2005...2015, Telecom Networks LLC. All rights reserved. ISO 9001:2000.

office 24, business-centre “Vereyskaya Plaza”, Vereyskaya str., 29, 121357, Moscow, Russia

call us:
+7 (495) 982-39-09
+7 (495) 982-39-09
+7 (495) 987-47-68 (fax)
